sábado, dezembro 15, 2007


É no poema que
a lágirma escorre,
a pele arrepia.

Um insuperável sentimento
desaba numa incontrolável emoção.

Passar por vidas

Um sorriso

Um oi

O poder


Frágil e mística
como um incenso
que se esvazia em fumaça.

Ela queria minhas unhas bem feitas

Ela queria minhas unhas bem feitas
esmalte vermelho.

Uma filha vestindo a moda
magra, casada.

O perfeito seria ainda
o tempo com amigas grã-finas.

Eu não sigo modelo
enlouqueço só como sou.

Ela arpeja

Eu arpejo
injustiça inexplicável.

Ela arpeja

Eu arpejo
vontade insaciável.

Ela arpeja

Eu arpejo
razão de viver.

Arpeja, arpeja, arpeja
Arpejo, arpejo, arpejo

A cada som dos arpejos dela
minha revolta e minha entrega.

por não ser nada, nem o esperado
muito menos o previsto, imagine o desejado.

Ela tanto arpejou, arpejou e arpejou...
Nunca vi graça em arpejar.

Uma verruga no nariz.

Os arpejos de mamãe me levaram ao suicídio.
No Arpoador pela última vez arpejei.

Concurso Revista Piauí - encaixe a frase "os arpejos de mamãe me levaram ao suicídio"

terça-feira, dezembro 04, 2007

Talk to Funk - Ney Faustini

Um set bem construído, destacado por sua harmonia na mistura de estilos, do house tradicional com barulhos, que dão o toque trip ao som, para o melódico techno de Detroit. Faixas escolhidas a dedo e uma pitada do swing brasileiro completam o conjunto. A mixagem é suave, destacando a próxima música, o que dá personalidade ao todo. Assim, você viaja e acorda nos breaks e nas viradas.

terça-feira, novembro 27, 2007

Andy Warhol

Should the artist actually create the work, or does his idea or description of it suffice?
What is the relationship between original and reproduction, individual and crowd, art and commerce?

Janelas - fotografadas por Lee Miller

Lee Miller: »US bombs exploding on the Fortress of St. Malo», 1944. / The Art of Lee Miller.


Sensação de prisão

para visualizar

a liberdade.

quarta-feira, outubro 31, 2007

Cada batida
cada instante

Cada batida
é cada instante;

cada instante
é intervalo


uma batida
e outra

espaço mesmo

e s p a ç o.

um momento não se repete
nem refeito
nem programado

sensação, dos pés à cabeça
da ficha que cai
do sentimento esclarecido

inexplicáve lapso

inesperada verdade do momento real.

quarta-feira, outubro 10, 2007

O Simples Novo

Encontros e desencontros
Idéias que não são idéias
O novo que é o velho não envelhecido.

Picasso disse “não busco, encontro”.[1]
Aconteceu com Pestana, personagem de “Uns Braços”, Machado de Assis
“se acaso uma idéia aparecia, definida e bela era eco apenas de alguma peça alheia, que a memória repetia, e que ele supunha inventar.”
João Cabral, em “Psicologia da Composição”,
cristalizou palavras que desabrocham,
falou do severo vazio do que resta.
O Tropicalismo defendeu a arte que não é só talento[2]
é também coragem,
Ah e Hélio Oiticica descreveu o artista não mais como criador para contemplação, mas como um motivador para criação.

Afinal, o que é novo?
Existe o novo?
“news that stays news”, de Pound[3]
é o novo.

O novo que não envelhece,
O novo que é sempre atual,
Um clássico.
Um toque sutil de poetas líricos,
musas dotadas do “eterno e irreprimível frescor”.

[1] Antonio Cícero, Folha de São Paulo, Ilustrada25/08/2007.
[2] Tropicália Uma Revolução na Cultura Brasileira, Carlos Basualdo (org).
[3] Antonio Cícero, Folha de São Paulo, Ilustrada25/08/2007.

Eu fiz um poema

Eu fiz um poema
um poema me fez,
palavras concretas
que se expressam.

Alguém que fala
ao invés de se calar.

Expira o inspirar...

100 visões contraditórias

Se é
É se
Cem mil – sem zero
Pouco é muito
Muito é pouco
Vazio cheio e sólido light
Querer e não ter é perder o poder
Para quem tudo tem o nada vem
Aquele que sempre é nunca é.

A ilusão do passado, do futuro e o presente eterno
Um fino instante, algumas largas horas
A intensão, a pasmação
O ritmo em movimento, em descompasso
Sem discernimento
Num viajar, a realidade.
Um susto de pernas trêmulas e pés no chão.

Mudar uma certeza
Pensar e se encaixar
No desencaixe que dá certo;
É isto, meu querido, que tem medo do destemido
Um dia encontraremos
O extremo equilíbrio?

Agora eu vou para depois ficar.

quarta-feira, setembro 19, 2007

terça-feira, setembro 11, 2007

Não foi apenas o mundo que mudou, mas a forma de ele mudar muda.

“Aim at uncover the source of the mind by humbly seeking what it is and inquiring”.
(citado por Pantajali, em sua obra “Yoga Sutras of Pantajali”)

Já expostas pelo sábio Pantajali, há 2.000 anos, essas palavras falam sobre nossos esforços em revelar origens da mente, nossas investigações sobre o que ela é e o que realmente procura.

Essa questão complexa é e provavelmente continuará sendo muito atual. Enquanto isso, nós continuamos tentando expressar de diversas formas tais buscas, dúvidas, ou apenas refletindo o que acontece no mundo e em nós mesmos.Vivemos numa época em que as inquietações pessoais estão à flor da pele; nada estranho, pensando-se em pessoas que vivem num mundo de múltiplas escolhas, ou melhor, num bombardeamento de informações e possibilidades. Tudo mudou e muda com tanta velocidade que perdemos a noção do que acontecerá em um futuro bem próximo. Temos menos certezas ainda. Qual será a diversão na adolescência de nossos filhos, drogas por download, shows virtuais? Quem sabe tudo isso fique ultrapassado; e eles estarão cansados de não entrar em contato físico com a realidade. Irão voltar a curtir festas estilo anos 50, mas sem diexar de lado seus super “I-Mac-pod-cel-estereo-dj”, será...?

Enfim, sabemos que existem diversas maneiras artísticas de lidar com os conflitos mundiais ou com aqueles que pertencem à intimidade individual: grafites, fotos, vídeos, ou mesmo blogs, que são formas autênticas da época atual. E, em muitos casos, refletem a arte de vanguarda para uma geração.Aí estão blogs de mulheres que vivem hoje, nos quais questões são levantadas, inquietações expostas. Não sei se é coincidência, mas acho que não é tpm. Talvez, se estas autoras tivessem nascido no final da década de 60 fossem hippies. É bem capaz que, sendo brasileiras, participassem de algum movimento precursor da arte multicultural e interativa, como o Tropicalismo. Se tivessem nascido naqueles tempos, estariam pelas ruas, cantando “sem lenço, nem documento” ao invés de estarem navegando por aí na internet.
Nascidas na geração “digital”, possuem vidas virtuais que podem se tornar presenciais e expostas ao mundo sem pudor.
Por fim, manifestações acontecem. Espero que durem até nossos filhos para que eles vejam o que passamos...
www.badtrip.com.br – Bruna Beber
www.adioslounge.blogspot.com – Clarah Averbuck
www.parecefilmecamila.blogspot.com/ - Camila Fremder
www.twoway-monologue.blogspot.com/ - Thais Leon e Fernanda Vendramini
www.metropolisthoughts.blogspot.com – Fernanda Carvalho

terça-feira, agosto 28, 2007

O velho diálogo de Adão e Eva

Marcel Yunes http://www.flickr.com/photos/8243957@N07/

Capítulo: O velho diálogo de Adão e Eva - Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas, de Machado de Assis.

Brás Cubas .........................?


Brás Cubas..........................



Brás Cubas.........................




Brás Cubas.....................





Brás Cubas.......................!


O narrador assim diz sem dizer, criando sugestão de erotismo.

quinta-feira, agosto 16, 2007

Um momento breve e um breve momento.

Foi apenas um momento. Um breve momento.
Mesmo que breve, é momento;
mesmo que momento é breve.

São tão breves os momentos;
momentos, tão breves
que são uma picada de agulha,
o finíssimo instante de João Cabral;
o ponto apontado do presente.

O esperado momento,
sempre breve e rápido,
vivido, passado.

segunda-feira, agosto 06, 2007

Vending Machine

The Vending Machine encourages those buying sweets to think about the impact of their choices as they buy apparently insignificant consumables. You choose how much you pay, and rather than affecting what you get, it affects what the next person gets. If you pay more, you act for the greater good, if you pay less, someone else gets less. The Vending Machine is going to spend a year touring the UK, visiting pubs, community centres, leisure centres and galleries, pretending to be a normal vending machine. Its first location is the ICA bar and Team, the design collective responsible for the Vending Machine, will celebrate the start of the tour with a night of music and sweets on 3 August. Team are currently hoping to get the vending machine adopted by a major sweets company.

quinta-feira, julho 26, 2007

A Combinação dos Opostos

Os opostos são atraentes, a combinação entre eles é bela; é o tempero do prato; é saborosa como queijo e goiabada, Romeu e Julieta.
A atração entre coisas que não se combinam é nítida, como a razão e o conflito presentes num mesmo homem; ou é simples como dizer que “os opostos se atraem”.
Um homem que não se contenta em simplesmente ser, este é o mesmo que é atraído pelo mistério intrínseco ao desejo de atrair o diferente: homem e mulher; emoção e tédio; inspiração e expiração...

quinta-feira, junho 14, 2007


Estamos onde estamos,
Sem pressa para um próximo momento,
Pressa nem mesmo para nossa próxima inspiração...
Agora, Agora, Agora,
Paramos neste instante,
Vivemos entregues, vivemos completamente,
Tempo sem expectativas.

Somos um exemplo concreto da essência do tempo,
Somos o tempo, se ele tivesse vida, isto é, se não tem, tem?
Somos a essência de algo que desejamos, sempre...
Algo que queremos mais e mais,
Nunca estamos satisfeitos com o quanto tempo temos,

quinta-feira, maio 31, 2007


A arte nasce, morre, vive tentando reproduzir algo irreproduzível: a realidade...
A realidade com sua dimensão fenomenal (ou será transcedental?)
faz com que os humanos sejam seres, às vezes, cansados,
e, às vezes, tenham uma incontrolável vontade,
de colocar algo de dentro para fora,
um amor inexplicável.

quinta-feira, maio 17, 2007

Agir pensando em princípios?

Como diz Rodrigo, personagem de Clarice Lispector, pensar é o ato, sentir é o fato. Por que atualmente tantas pessoas buscam coisas que as preencham emocionalmente? Há uma lacuna neste fato, o “sentir”.
A abstinência de “sentir” provavelmente venha de diversos fatores que se interligam e se originam das diferentes áreas de nossas vidas.
Vou falar porém de um fator que se refere a começo, não por coincidência, vou falar de princípios, um conceito essencial ligado ao ato.
Os princípios andam esquecidos. O principio é a razão, a base de nossas ações, de nossas escolhas, de atos que geram nossos sentimentos. Chega a ser surpreendente pensar que por de trás da maior parte das ações das pessoas, hoje em dia, estes princípios sejam completamente desconhecidos.
Vejam por exemplo o tão desejado “1 minuto de fama” de Andy Warhol. De quantos fatos somos testemunhas em que o princípio é o “1 minuto de fama”? Os estudantes dos EUA que massacram seus colegas na escola podem ter seguido um princípio como esse.
Mas, me diga: onde está o princípio deste “1 minuto de fama”? É aí que está, não há princípios. Eu me refiro a princípios próprios, aqueles vindos de nós mesmos, os quais nos permitem sentir um tipo de poder que se chama auto-aprovacao.
Quem segue o mandamento pop de “1 minuto de fama” está nada mais que influenciado por uma cultura muito comum, a cultura Americana, a qual também pode ser expressa por “you can be anything you want” o que gera expectativas irreais. Em alguma hora, esse pensamento trará sensação de falso poder. Enfim, o caos na sociedade, a qual possui bases em perspectivas externas, ou seja, nas aprovações do mundo exterior. A alienação interna dos indivíduos é implantada e, assim, a alienação externa do conjunto fica pior ainda.
Vamos treinar a habilidade de assumir livremente obrigações em relação a pessoas e a princípios. Isso nos dará razão, fará nossos feitos valerem à pena, nos trará o poder real de usufruir de um amplo leque de escolhas, independência, liberdade. Além da tão querida auto-estima ou satisfação.
Um bom começo pode ser sentir-se e realmente ser ouvido por alguém.

quinta-feira, maio 03, 2007

yoga sutras of Pantajali

From this
one gains
an understanding
that clarifies
the differences
between two similar objects
that are otherwise indistinguishable
by their origin,
distinctive characteristics
or position.

sexta-feira, abril 20, 2007

BEHIND EVERY SUCSSEFUL NEW PRODUCT OR EXPERIENCE THERE IS AN EMERGING CONSUMER TREND – linked with people's unconsciousness, desires and aspirations.

quinta-feira, março 29, 2007

The Secret Public

The Last Days of the British Underground 1978 - 1988

Featuring: Charles Atlas, Bodymap, Leigh Bowery, Victor Burgin, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Michael Clark, Peter Doig, Duvet Brothers, Brian Eno, Cerith Wyn Evans, Gilbert and George, Gorilla Tapes, Richard Hamilton, Derek Jarman, Isaac Julien, Tina Keane, Sandra Lahire, Linder, Stuart Marshall & Neil Bartlett, John Maybury, Neo-Naturists, Julian Opie, Jon Savage, Peter Saville, Mark E. Smith, Wolfgang Tillmans, Trojan, Stephen Willats, and others.
A disquieting, playful, and intensely urban exhibition rooted in the political landscape of the '80s, The Secret Public examines the dark flowering of creativity which took shape in the UK between 1978 and 1988. From Leigh Bowery's five-night performance, filmed through the one-way glass of a London gallery window, to Jon Savage's photographs of neglected corners of London and Richard Hamilton's Treatment Room (1982) in which Margaret Thatcher's televised image hangs ominously over an operating table, this exhibition offers a re-evaluation of Britain's recent political past, highlighting the subversive tendencies and lasting influence of a group of artists working across art, fashion, film, dance, performance, video and music.
A time of heightened political, economic and social change - from the recession and civil unrest of Thatcherite Britain, to the advent of AIDS - the late '70s and '80s saw a creative energy emerge in the UK with its own particular and potent shape: a covert form that sat outside established institutional practices of the time, creating its own network of activities, events, economies and celebrities. As a generational grouping of artists and personalities, it is perfectly described by the title of a fanzine created by Linder and Jon Savage and published in Manchester in 1978: The Secret Public.
Just as the punk movement of earlier years represented a volatile, ambiguous celebration of violence, negativity and protest, the artists gathered together in this show responded to a darkening view of the world. Finding resonances in the area of performance, but also drawing on film, video, fashion and music, these artists fused a range of contemporary and historical reference, creating works exploring gender, and sexuality, and the use of the body as both spectacle and a metaphor for the social 'body'. Arguably, the period can be seen as a last outburst of radical experimentation before the onslaught of consumerism established an environment in which 'alternative' culture could immediately be co-opted into the mainstream.
By focussing on the years between the death of punk and the birth of the YBA phenomenon, The Secret Public invites a consideration of the UK's current artistic and cultural landscape in relation to these landmarks, directing attention to the connections between art and politics, and to the aesthetics of club and pop culture which figured so largely during this period and which continue to influence a wide range of artistic practices.
The Secret Public. The Last Days of the British Underground 1978 - 1988 is conceived and produced by Kunstverein München, and curated by Stefan Kalmár & Michael Bracewell. Associate curators are Ian White & Daniel Pies. The exhibition was made possible through the support of Kulturstiftung des Bundes and The Henry Moore Foundation.
Supported by agnès b.

quarta-feira, março 14, 2007

What do you want?
The journey is the destination.
Enjoy the journey to get there, because
when you get it; maybe, you don't want it anymore.

sábado, fevereiro 24, 2007

Status Skills

A focus on learning and skills is something trendwatching.com has identified as a major trend, grounded in a shift in consumer values: “In economies that increasingly depend on creative thinking and acting, well-known status symbols tied to owning and consuming goods and services will find worthy competition from status skills.

So, as a professional, it never hurts to remind yourself of the business you’re really in: providing your customers and clients with status, directly or indirectly, in whatever form or shape. After all, there is little that consumers do that isn't consciously or subconsciously influenced by a desire for recognition from family, friends, and any fellow consumers they come into contact with.


terça-feira, fevereiro 13, 2007

A Expressão: "O consumidor"

Falando-se da expressao "o consumidor" e' inevitavel que este seja analisado levando-se em conta, como fato mais relevante, que o consumidor e' um ser humano.
Geralmente, a finalidade de entendimento deste ser humano e' vender para este consumidor.
Entende-lo pela simples curiosidade ou objetivo de nos tornarmos melhores e' quase que inpensável, perda de tempo.
Aspirações, sonhos, identificações, projeções humanas são descobertas. E, depois, compradas pelos consumidores.
Desires, hopes, need dreams.
The enumeration of ties, of essences, of human nature
(desire, bliss, discrimination, horripilation, and soon), as well as of humors and others bodily constituents.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 01, 2007

SONAR ALWAYS ON...the more mobil we are more connected we need to be

Una mostra dedicada a la cultura mobil i els projectes de localitzacio'. Unaproposta expositiva i de participacio' amb la qual, per primera vegada,SonarMatica surt al carrer. Un cop passat L'equador d' aquesta decada encarasense nom, es dificil trobar dues icones que la representin millor que eltelefon mobil i l' Ipod. L'explosio de la telefonia mobil ha donat pas a mesa l' era del Sempre Connectats.Seguindo l' concepte este año, y por primera vez en España, ScannerFM retransmitirá Sónar 2006 también para móviles. Todas las instrucciones para escuchar Sónar desde el móvil estarán en la web. Es muy fácil. En www.scannerfm.com encontrarás un apartado donde podràs acceder a un link o un plugin para poderte descargar el software necesario para el móvil. Una vez hecho esto y gracias a la tecnología 3G te podràs conectar a ScannerFM y escucharla desde tu teléfono móvil allá donde estés. La retransmisión de Sónar 2006 se podrá seguir íntegra a través de este sistema.


" The omnivorous cultural preferences of the new urban class of post industrial professionals sit behind the development of the city as an entertainment machine generating a range of cultural amenities ". Richard LLoyd.

London na lata

A paisagem local possui ar com pitadas de melancolia e dramaturgia. Sentimentos parecem ser ressaltados.
A contradição se apresenta numa sociedade típica, de característica inglesa, identificada pela expressão “inside yourself”, a qual se destaca da mesma forma que a luz do sol - luz focada e própria, como em cenários - pessoas mostram explicitamente seus lados mais sinistros.

quinta-feira, janeiro 25, 2007

Let's differentiate! How?

Who doesn't want to be authentic. It's almost a brand new vibe. This is a search, the search for authenticity in the pos-modern life.
So, I will give you a tip, a simple tip, because being simple is not being mediocre.
Use regional identity as an authentic voice.
I miss regional identity in our globalized world with lots and lots of huge groups who control almost everything.
I miss, I want more identity and authenticity making part of my routine. Simple like eat pasta made by an Italian or drink a Brazilian caipirinha. It is the way it has to be.

mind the gap

Mind the gap...underground can become a mainstream.
Underground is underground because it is not known or
is it not known because it is underground?

Joke - Guiness

What are you having?
The world most important brewers are gathering in a Dublin bar to celebrate the en of an international conference. The president of Budweiser orders a Bud. The head honcho at Miller calls for a Miller and the Coors rep wraps his hands around a pint of his own. All of others follow suit but when it comes to the head of Guiness , he orders a Coke. “Why aren’t you having a Guiness?” his colleagues ask in amazement. “ Well, if you guys aren’t having a beer, then neither will I”. Boom boom.

Out of Time - Contemporary view

Repeat, fast-forward, delay, recycle, rewind: these terms are part of the language we use to describe how temporality is manipulated in the contemporary world. Recent technological advances facilitate an unprecedented alteration compression and extension of the time. These new possibilities coexist with a vision of history as fractured, contradictory and subjected to multiple interpretations.

Nouveau Niche

Providing your customers and clients with status, directly or indirectly, in whatever form or shape. After all, there is little that consumers do that isn't consciously or subconsciously influenced by a desire for recognition from family, friends, and any fellow consumers they come into contact with.
Mature consumer societies in which many consumers have 'out-consumed' themselves, and have started to truly value and promote creativity as a necessary ingredient for innovation and competition on a macro-economic level. Sounds familiar?
Now, translate that value shift to individual consumers (celebrating creativity, instead of passive consumption), and what you may end up with is a trend like
GENERATION C (C for Content, for Creativity, for Contributing, for Connecting, for CUSTOMER-MADE and so on), which we’ve spoken about many times in the past.
"In economies that increasingly depend on (and thus value) creative thinking and acting, well-known status symbols tied to owning and consuming goods and services will find worthy competition from 'STATUS SKILLS': those skills that consumers are mastering to make the most of those same goods and services, bringing them status by being good at something, and the story telling that comes with it."
- From wine to whiskey: The
Whisky School at Ladybank Distillery lets participants create their own whisky
- Another one to keep a skilled eye on:
wikiHoW, the 'How-To Manual That Anyone Can Write or Edit'. Aiming to be the world's largest how-to manual, it already contains more than 11,000 articles written, edited and maintained primarily by volunteers. Topics range from how to bathe a cat to how to create one's own currency converter.
BMW Performance Driving Schools: BMW offers a wide range of courses designed both for beginners seeking to build confidence and advanced drivers looking to master the art of performance driving. And you don’t have to own a BMW to attend one of their courses.
Skillful consumers
Take any kind of status-heavy industry and you are now guaranteed to spot a number of start-ups that sell STATUS SKILLS instead of status symbols:
skills can only be acquired by doing something yourself first!
http://www.trendwatching.com/briefing/ sept 2006”.

Quickly Stop for a Wine

The personality that gives originality to things, places, products or brands generally come from very simple things. They are originated from authenticity, cultures, costumes or habits aspects.
Places with these kind of features are being further more difficult to find, now it that everything is globalized and the owners are always the same big companies is harder to find differentials.
This is a simple example of a place that keeps your own characteristics according with the owner’s personality. It is simply agreeable to follow your own concepts to give sense for your things.

The owner is an Italian who is around 60,65 years old, certainly, he enjoyed his life with his friends in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, he is the kind of person who is very playful. And, is still enjoying receiving visits from his friends whom still come to his bar….
The bar is made with wood chairs, tables and details on the ceiling or the wall there are some home-made drawings with drunk’s satires.
The wines selection is incredible…each option and price is written on the board and if you want you can order, too, Italian appetizers; in the lunch time each day there is a different dish that makes a good combination with some wine.
To conclude, who attends is the friendly owner, he does his typical jokes which completes the environment with a pleasant intimacy.
Coke and Menthos – the success of an experiment

Too many brands, products, options that do everything to be worth to trying be different from competitors, call attention and interact with the public. Every silly thing, every kind of curiosity.
Behind so many “little” or “silly” actions don’t we need more sustainability?
People have the need of feeling fulfilled, they look for satisfactions and are always trying to find themselves in a crazy environment, where the market itself is also lost. What a crazy world!

Buy it, easy, break it, fix it, trash it, change it, upgraded it, charged it, zoom it, press it, snap it, quickly erase it, write it, save it, loaded it, check it, play it, burn it, rip it, …………………………………………………………
(e.g. Daft Punk’s music)
August, 2006
Fcom once more is launching sound with personality. Its art, poetry + music, made with a high quality production and a female touch with Brazilian vocals. Something introspective that you can hear all day long and don’t be fed up.

Consumer’s tribes and subcultures.

We can say that tribes are divided in kinds of subcultures.
Talking about an actual mature and aware consumer, the action of consuming becomes ethic, a way of society participation due to personal values and ideals. A choice that differes them socially. In this manner, consumers segments themselves in tribes, groups that are identified by products/brands choices. It means values, ideals.

E.g.-selling action that can divide consumers in tribes identificated by personal values and society participation:
Sunking, a label set up by foreign designers, but based in London and Rio. Their products are sold across Brazil, Canada and Europe in boutiques and inter-net. Brazilian images are printed onto clothes in innovative, imaginative ways. The label also supports Cancer research UK and The Brazilian National Cancer Institute.

* Brands more intimate and closer. To consumers focus on "tribes". They interact with kinds of consumers subcultures.

Changing the tendency of copy and paste

Changing the tendency of copy and paste, just erase and reboot with fresh eyes and ears.

The erasers for all their futuristic anarchy insists that they have no desire to promote a specific ideology or blaze trail for some cause. It reflects the scene in which the ensemble is active, Athens is a city in transition, and The Eraser’s mutability seems to represent a broader course of development.
Theerasers.blogspot.com, freepieceoftape.blogspot.com

“The Wire – June 06, pg.16”.

There are contradictions in Brazil's image

The brand I would love to be running is Brazil, my country. We are famous for football, samba and political scandals. Once a year we are also famous for naked ladies and carnival. Nothing wrong with all these qualities. However I believe there is a great story about Brazil.
We are more than frivolous and fun crazy. We are leader in aerospace and aeronautical engineer. Embraer carry passenger all over the world. Our farmers are the world leaders on technology + efficiency + productivity, and are rapidly becoming known as the gardens of the world. Furthermore, we have the biggest forest in the world.
Most relevantly, we have a leading, world class creative communication industry. Brazil has led the world at Cannes Awards, indeed, digital and media prizes.
The remarkably Brazil’s differential is its creativity. There is an incredible miscegenation and diversity. We can count with an interesting culture and a privileged nature.
To conclude, Brazil has potential to be successful. Even though, everybody lives there with some problems, such as, things don’t happen in a fair way, the lack of education for not privileged people or the bad income sharing. Yet, Brazilians people seems to deal well with contradictions.


A concrete example of Brazil’s contradiction.
(Down there is a Brazilian playing samba in London’s underground and on the next wall one Brahma’s advertisement).
I was in underground, suddenly, I met a Brazilian playing samba-bossa, at the same time, I looked at the wall and saw a Brahma ad. A casual and great combination: Brahma with samba-bossa.
Although, the man should prefer a chance to play in another place. Brahma must be satisfied to be in a lot of ads. Further more, being sold in many bars, clubs and supermarkets around the world.
(link text
“ there are contradictions in Brazil’s image”).
So, that’s it! All kinds of Brazilians (poor people, immigrants, even brands or products) are enjoying opportunities. While, all about Brazil offers a promising future.
Brazilians can get on with contradictions…
Brazilians are fashionable and still fresh now, why miss opportunities!

Dead landscape
Sonar – toilet - jun.2006
Nothing against Bud, but against over-publicity.
Take care because your brand can be part of trash landscapes. It is nothing but publicity in all places…

Colors - Best Wishes

Winter 2005/2006 66

“I wish there were more mixed-race kids in the world and they stop trying to turn people into prototypes”. Aylin Gungor, 25, editor. Istanbul, Turkey

“I wish time slowed sometimes”. Anna Bielecka, 33, from Poland, film translator, Paris, Franca.

“I wish I had a robot. I wish Apple would make cars”. Kosta Stratigos, 31, web developer, Royal Oak, USA.

Good and simple
Photo title: Play after dark
Shot with Canon – John Miller - London student.
Playing your imagination
You can Canon
This is a good and simple advertisement. Visually beautiful and following the communication concept. In addition, it’s a great initiative to promote new photographers; furthermore adds value for the brand’s image.
Sinthetic world
Synthetic worlds are popular: currently, these new worlds have around 10 to 20 million inhabitants. “source: Edward Catronova”
We are living in a time with no limits; we can mix, choose, create and transform in millions ways. It is the technology in a huge development process.
In the new world everything is synthetic, clothes, music, even food is made of synthetic components.
Today people sell “natural products” made of synthetic components.
Now, let’s remember the meaning of these words:
Natural: Present in or produced by nature: a natural pearl. (www.dictionary.com).
Synthetic: Not natural or genuine; artificial or contrived: “counterfeit rhetoric that flourishes when passions are synthetic” (George F. Will).
Do you know if we mean “natural” in the same way that people had meant 15 years ago...or do you know how people will mean “natural” in 2021?

Crazy to be connected

· Consider the fact that 812,000,000(!) human beings are now online worldwide (Internet World Stats, September 2004)
· More than 100 million people worldwide log on every month to play interactive computer games (source: NYT, December 2005).
· In the USA, over 70 percent of males in the 18 to 34 demographic play video games, according to NPD Group. Young men play 12.5 hours of video games a week, while they watch television 9.8 hours, and three-quarters of households with a male member age 8 through 34 own a video game system, according to Nielsen Entertainment (source: MediaLife January 2006).
· An average European gamer will play for 10.9 hours a week, 87% have played in the last week, and 72% play at least three times a week. To put this into perspective: gaming is, for gamers, the third-most-popular use of media entertainment in the last week, after watching TV (96%) and listening to music (94%) (source: Mediaedge:cia, December 2005).
· Sixty percent of trendsetters and 33% of mainstream 14-34 year-olds have a social networking page (source: TrendCentral, May 2006).
People addicted to online access, the fuel that keeps their own universe going.
What If you connected to yourself before be crazy to be connected?


Innovation – isn’t rocket science. It is an obsession with understanding or creating what makes consumers happy, what delight them, which problems they face, and then creating something that delivers to those needs. “trendwatching” – trendwatching.com/briefing – august 2006 trend briefing on innovation overload

Metropolis (meanings)?

Metro-mother (Greek); Polis-city/town (indo-european). A major city, economic and cultural center – an important hub for international connections and communications, cultic and original cities. Clustered around an urban center.